"Quarantined". That's rich, eh? A more apt term would be "barricaded". The heroes disappeared, the gates were shut and the keys more or less thrown away. I'm getting fuzzy reports over shortwave that Mayor Morales declared martial law, but the war walls wreak havoc with even the strongest of signals. Every third word or so grabs your attention, and then it's over. Come to think of it, that's just like every other City Hall press conference.
Is the antenna relay in Eastgate still operational? For as bad as the park has been, the Hollows must be an absolute nightmare. Just about every low-level scumbag group is represented there, and the police presence at the Atlas gate can only last so long.

Sorry so many questions, but I'm not sure what to do or where to go. I can remain holed up in here only for so long. Skulls and Hellions are going building to building, floor by floor. It's only a matter of time until they kick the door in. If they had an ounce of sense they'd consolidate, but the "Skullions" won't happen any time soon. It's just sheer, stupid force.

Will write more soon. Oh, and my name is Ernie Lardner. I am (was?) a sports reporter for the Paragon Times. I'm no Jackson Turner and I'm better with box scores than battle zones, but I'll do what I can.
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